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Thank You
Thanks for registering with us for Trick or Treat 2024! Signing up for Trick or Treat 2024 means you will receive a fundraising party pack. By covering the cost of postage, you will ensure that even more of the funds raised will go directly to helping sick children and their families.
Make a Donation
- €5
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€30 could help fund a range of fun, diverting and therapeutic events and activities in CHI hospitals, like the Saturday Club in CHI at Temple Street, and CHI at Crumlin’s Giggle Fund.
€50 could help fund ground-breaking paediatric research, giving extra hope to sick children and their families.
€100 could contribute to the cost of buying life-saving equipment like incubators and heart-rate monitors, ensuring every child gets the very best care.
If you would like to help us cover the postage of your event pack click the €5 button in the panel above