Freddie’s Story

Freddie’s Story “I am sure it is nothing too serious…” I remember those eight words from Freddie’s paediatrician like it was yesterday, even though I know he tried to hide it from me. The look of concern in his eyes confirmed what I knew deep in my soul, that it was something serious. He was […]

Joshua and Olivia’s Journey

Joshua and Olivia’s Journey A difficult journey begins “My little boy and girl have been through so much in their short lives. I am so happy, though, that they have experienced compassionate and transformative care in services in both Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) at Crumlin and Temple Street, which has given them the very best […]

Patrick Burke Jones

Patrick Patrick was a happy little boy who loved all the usual things for a boy of his age – dinosaurs, Lego, and Star Wars when he was diagnosed with Leukemia in December 2019, one week before his third birthday. Lynsey, Patrick’s Mam shares their journey in Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin.   “I became pregnant […]

Olivia and Joshua

Alexis O’Mahony In 2014, Joshua was born to his delighted parents. He was very small during the pregnancy and was born six weeks prematurely. As the days and weeks went on, he wouldn’t grow or put on any weight. When Joshua was just five-months-old, he was referred to CHI at Temple Street. After various tests, […]

Méabh’s Story

Méabh’s Story Méabh was a perfectly healthy little girl, met all her milestones, was very active and never complained of a pain or an ache. She did have a bump on the top of her head that didn’t feel right to touch. The bump was first noticed when she was a year and our doctors […]