Aine’s Journey

Áine’s Journey ‘’When my baby daughter was diagnosed with a rare medical condition, I didn’t know what to do. I’m so thankful that kind people who donate to Children’s Health Foundation were there to support my family, every step of the way.’’  – Sara, Áine’s Mum. Áine and Katie Áine and her twin sister Katie […]

Site Terms & Conditions

Site Terms & Conditions Important Information This page states the Terms and Conditions under which you may use the website (the “Site”). Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully. If you do not accept the Terms and Conditions stated here, do not use the Site. This Site is operated from Ireland by Children’s Health […]

Freddie’s Story

Freddie’s Story “I am sure it is nothing too serious…” I remember those eight words from Freddie’s paediatrician like it was yesterday, even though I know he tried to hide it from me. The look of concern in his eyes confirmed what I knew deep in my soul, that it was something serious. He was […]