Consistent and predictable income
Face-to-face fundraising is one of the best ways for us to raise awareness of the critical work that happens in the hospitals, and the funds needed to support that work, through the support of committed monthly donors. It is a well-established activity that many established charities are using.
This type of giving ensures that we have consistent and predictable income to look after our little heroes. This means we can plan efficiently and have the security and income to continue to provide world-class facilities, research and compassionate loving care for every sick child in Ireland.
The following FAQ’s should answer any questions you might have about Children’s Health Foundation’s face-to-face fundraising activity. If you have any other further queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01 709 1700 or by email at

Fundraising FAQs
How are your fundraisers responding to COVID-19?
Our fundraising representatives will be wearing face masks, a social distancing pin on their jacket and will be issued with a personal bottle of hand sanitiser, which they will use throughout each day.
All of our fundraising representatives have received comprehensive training on adhering to social distancing guidelines, on the use of their personal protective equipment and on hygiene and coughing and sneezing etiquette.  
We have adapted our sign-up process so that it can now be completed at a safe distance without passing items.
How can I be sure the individual I am speaking with is a legitimate fundraiser?
Genuine Children’s Health Foundation representatives will carry an ID badge at all times. They will also be wearing Children’s Health Foundation branded jackets and t-shirts and have a copy of the Children’s Health Foundation letter of support to hand.
If you have any doubts at all, please ask the fundraiser for more information - a genuine fundraising representative will be more than happy to answer questions and explain more about the work of Children’s Health Foundation.
If you have been approached by someone and have doubts that they are a legitimate fundraising representative, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01 709 1700 or by email at
How are monthly donations used?
Regular gifts via direct debit allow us to plan for the future by ensuring that Children’s Health Foundation has a consistent, predictable income to fund the vital work caring for the children of Ireland.
Funds raised will go where there is most need across CHI at Crumlin, CHI at Temple Street and CHI at Connolly to help provide life-saving equipment and vital supports, to deliver new cutting-edge and innovative services and treatments, and to facilitate paediatric research. For every €1 raised, only 5.65 cents is spent on administration and governance costs. 
Can I make a once-off cash gift?
Please note our fundraising representatives will never ask for cash donations and cannot accept cash donations in person. If you would like to make a once-off donation please visit our donation page. 
Are my personal and banking details are safe? 
Yes. Please be assured that data shared between our fundraising partner C3 Marketing and Children’s Health Foundation is done so securely and is encrypted.
Why does Children’s Health Foundation use a third-party supplier?
By partnering with C3 Marketing we know our face-to-face fundraising activity will be cost-effective and based on the expertise of experienced professionals within the sector.
Who should I contact if I want to cancel my direct debit?
Please contact Children’s Health Foundation directly to cancel your direct debit or reduce your direct debit amount. You can reach us by phone on 01 709 1700 or by email at