Enter The Tesco Mega Summer Prize Draw and help sick children!

From August 12th – 25th, our friends at Tesco Ireland are holding a Mega Summer Prize Draw in aid of Children’s Health Foundation. 

Tickets cost €2 and are available to purchase in any of Tesco’s stores across the country or online here 

Prizes include: 

  • €5,000 Family Holiday Voucher 
  • €3,000 Euro Disney Family Holiday 
  • €2,000 Staycation Holiday Voucher 
  • Tesco Mobile iPhone 15 
  • Tesco Mobile Samsung Galaxy A55 
  • €500 Tesco Voucher x 4 
  • €500 fuel Vouchers x 4 
  • Dublin Zoo Family pass 
  • €50 Go Car voucher 
  • Odeon Family Passes x 4 
All funds raised from the draw will help fund life-saving equipment, which will benefit sick children and their families across Ireland, like Grace.  

Grace’s Story 

Grace was born with oesophageal atresia, a condition where part of the oesophagus does not fully develop.  

Ashling, Grace’s mum shares their story with us: 

Grace and her twin Danny came hurriedly into the world on 17th December 2023, just in time for Santa. During my pregnancy, we had been told by my obstetrician that she suspected Grace had oesophageal atresia, a birth defect where part of the oesophagus does not develop properly, as she had extra fluid around her and the absence of her stomach bubble. Having had four previous healthy and straightforward pregnancies, this came as quite a shock. However, we were so grateful that we had been given time to prepare for Grace’s arrival.

Grace and Danny arrived six weeks early. They were both immediately taken by the neonatal team to be examined. Aside from a slightly low birth weight, Danny was fine. However, the Coombe team decided to transfer Grace directly to Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, as they were uncertain about the severity of her condition. Grace made her tiny journey by ambulance up the Crumlin Road, closely followed by her Daddy, Gary. She was brought straight into the ICU, where she stayed for two days until she was finally able to breathe on her own. She then moved down to the earth angels on the Neonatal HDU where she has been ever since.


Grace has been so well cared for by the nurses, who have looked after her as if she were one of their own. She lights up whenever someone in a blue uniform enters her room, a clear sign of how many chats and cuddles she receives when I’m not around.

We have been so lucky with Grace, even though we’ve discovered she has “long gap” esophageal atresia. This means there is a gap between her esophagus and stomach, so she needs to have a Replogle tube to remove saliva and secretions, and to be fed via a feeding tube. Thankfully, Grace has no other issues and is otherwise a very healthy baby girl. We hope she will have her surgery this summer.

The neonatal team is nothing short of amazing. Grace is cared for with so much love and compassion, and I will be forever grateful to them for that. Grace is our youngest, our special girl, and she has four big brothers who are counting down the days until she comes home. We can’t thank the staff of Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin enough for all they have done for Grace and our family; we are truly indebted to them. The level of care and support we have received is incredible and has helped us through the dark days when we despaired over having our family split up. Our life has been on pause since 17th December 2023, but every day she grows bigger and stronger, bringing us one day closer to bringing her home. 


We are so excited for the brighter days ahead and for bringing our baby girl home where she belongs.

Licence issued by the Dublin District Court 


Full terms and conditions are available here: https://tescoireland.ie/sustainability/places/charity-partnerships/mega-summer-prize-draw 

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