There are a number of ways to make a donation to help sick children.
1. Online right here on our website – Click here to make a donation.
(Please insure you include a company name if you are donating on behalf of a company/ school/ creche or organisation.)
2. Bank Transfer – please download this document for details: CHF Bank Details
3. Cheque – you can donate using a cheque all cheques need to be made payable to Children’s Health Foundation. You can either post your cheque back to us or drop it into our office.
Our address is: 14-18 Drimnagh Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 HX96.
4. Phone – you can donate by credit or debit card over the phone on 01 709 1700.
5. Direct Debit – if you want to give regularly you can set up a direct debit on our website here.
Want to hold a fundraiser? Find out how to get involved here.