Clash of the Companies
Step 2: Donate
If you would like to pay your registration fee of €1400 in full or in part now, please input the amount you wish to pay by clicking on the box titled other.
If you require an invoice for payment or would like to make your donation an alternative way such as bank transfer, over the phone or by cheque, please close this webpage and we will be in contact with you to organise payment.
Make a Donation
- €5
- €10
- €15
- €20
- Custom DonationOther...
€30 could help fund a range of fun, diverting and therapeutic events and activities in CHI hospitals, like the Saturday Club in CHI at Temple Street, and CHI at Crumlin’s Giggle Fund.
€50 could help fund ground-breaking paediatric research, giving extra hope to sick children and their families.
€100 could contribute to the cost of buying life-saving equipment like incubators and heart-rate monitors, ensuring every child gets the very best care.