Children’s Health Foundation Supporter Charter
The Charter
Our pledge is to treat all our supporters with respect, honesty and openness. We commit to being accountable and transparent so that supporters and prospective supporters have full confidence in Children’s Health Foundation. Â
Our commitment to our supporters
As a supporter of Children’s Health Foundation, we will ensure you will: Â
- Be informed of Children’s Health Foundation’ mission, and of the way Children’s Health Foundation intends to use donated resources.Â
- Be informed of the identity of those serving on Children’s Health Foundation governing board, and  that the board will exercise prudent judgement in its stewardship responsibilities.Â
- Have access to our most recent financial statements.
- Be assured your donation will be used for the purpose intended.
- Receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.Â
- Be assured that information about your donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).Â
- Be dealt with professionally by all individuals representing Children’s Health Foundation.Â
- Be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of Children’s Health Foundation or hired third party agents.Â
- We will respect your decision if you choose not to receive information from us.
- Receive prompt, truthful answers to complaints you might have of Children’s Health Foundation.
Our staff will:Â Â
- Be transparent, accurate and honest.Â
- Respond to e-mails, letters and telephone enquiries in a prompt and professional manner.
- Strive to minimise costs relating to fundraising activities.
- Adhere to the principles as set out by the Charities Regulator and any legal requirements relating to privacy.
As a charity seeking donations from the public, we comply with the Charities Institute of Ireland Triple Lock, which ensures transparent reporting, ethical fundraising and good governance.